In the above picture is my entire script for an 8 minute Youtube video called “My illogical apathy towards digital art.”
As you can tell this is not a written script but pictures drawn in panels like a comic. Which then contain borderline hieroglyphics.
I often find that when I am reading a written script my voice can start to sound a little robotic, especially when I’ve only read it out-loud once. Also I don’t always want to spend an hour writing something word-for-word when I already know what I want to say. What I really need is something just to jog my memory which always drains out of my head when I press the record button.
But why pictures?
Well I have no answer that my also apply to you. But I’m so used to reading things word-for-word when I try to use dot points (short abbreviations for each paragraph) my brain is expecting to regurgitate what it just been fed. Not to generate anything.
So mostly being a visual thinker this my solution. It takes me like 10-15 minutes to draw a script that I keep me talking for about 8 minutes. Saves lots of time.
Now there is a problem: This entire solution is clearly a work around as I’m trying to avoid self improvement. I should just continue to improve my reading abilities so I don’t sound like a half-asleep mono-toned man.
Now with this new method I talk like someone who is slightly more enthusiastic about life…….who speaks with awkwardly long pauses between sentences……sometimes.